Lead and manage donors with added ease.

Liberate your team from administrative task by simplifying donor management. Leverage donor data fully. Build deeper connections and campaigns that resonate with donors.


The evolution of fundraising

Your Donations - Your Data

Fundraising solutions that hold data hostage? That’s not us! You and only you get complete access to your donor data.


Understanding Donor DNA

Monitor donor behaviour on your site, automate engagement nudges, trigger positive behaviour and build stronger relationships with your donors. 

  • Engage on every donor touchpoint
  • Get actionable insights delivered to your dashboard
  • Drive successful strategies with complete data

Complete feature, suits your needs.

We organise everything for you in a single, simple dashboard, so you get more time to do what you do best: raise funds.

  • Tax receipt
  • CRM integration
  • Automated data reports

A seamless user experience for all your donors

Some donors need a little attention, others can navigate on their own. Simplify and tailor your campaigns to help every type of donor.

Tools for raising revenue and improving donor experience

Higher conversion rates

Get more donations, reduce friction.

Encourage donor loyalty

Engage donors to donate regularly and long-term.

Lower abandonment

Reduce donor churn rate.

Drive better campaigns

Execute stronger initiatives through analytics.

Improve campaign performance

Tweak strategies based on the real-time campaign responses.

Customised engagements

Update donors through notifications and updates about your relief efforts.

Higher conversion rates

Get more donations, reduce friction.

Encourage donor loyalty

Engage donors to donate regularly and long-term.

Lower abandonment

Reduce donor churn rate.

Drive better campaigns

Execute stronger initiatives through analytics.

Improve campaign performance

Tweak strategies based on the real-time campaign responses.

Customised engagements

Update donors through notifications and updates about your relief efforts.

Focus where it’s needed the most. Let us do the rest.

Free up resources to build sophisticated fundraising initiatives and automate everything else.
